

The advanced recycling technologies are required to be introduced in the waste management industry in the United Kingdom, in which the end-of-life plastic can be recycled for further process. It will help in the implementation of the low cost process that can also ensure resource efficiency. It has been implied that only 10% of the plastic is being recycled at the global level, and currently, 500 billion tons of plastic is being used at the consumer level, which will be doubled during the period of next 20 years. In this instance, the cost of exporting plastic waste to the countries where environmental regulation are low, such as Asian counties, cannot provide long-term effective solutions (Guo et al., 2010).
Reusing one pound of the most well-known plastic utilized as a part of water bottles called polyethylene terephthalate (PET) can preserve around 12,000 units recycles as per the Environmental Protection Agency, the procedure of recycle needs less vitality by two-third than regular assembling(Siddique et al., 2008).
Considering the high environmental impact of plastic waste management, China has banned the import of plastic waste from the United Kingdom, which has caused a significant concern for the waste management of plastic. It has also resulted in the development of business opportunities, in which innovative solutions can be proposed to support the mechanism of plastic waste management. Moreover, the implementation of sustainable recycling mechanism in the United Kingdom is required, which ensures that the incarceration of plastic takes place in a covered environment. It can help in ensuring that plastic waste is not piled up in the open-air, which will result in reducing the prevalence of toxicity from the air (Ismail and Al-Hashmi, 2008). It can result in reducing the prevalence of toxicity from the soil, which can also help in safeguarding the water resources from the plastic waste. In this instance, Plaxx model can be implemented in the United Kingdom as a means to incorporate the sustainable machinery in plastic recycling. Moreover, with the utilization of Plaxx, the end-of-life plastic can be transformed into the valuable sulphur hydrocarbon (Hopewell et al., 2009).
It is also proposed that the plastic bottles and wraps can be sterilized rather than recycled, and can be used again for the similar process. In this instance, the food and beverage industry should take responsibility regarding the collection of empty bottles, and engage in the sterilization mechanism. It can help in reducing the production and waste of plastic bottles, which can help in reducing the prevalence waste. Moreover, the overall sustainability solution that accounts for the collection of empty bottles can be comprehended with the effective means of community awareness and contribution (Jambeck et al., 2015).
It eventually provides business opportunity for the investors in the United Kingdom regarding the sterilization of plastic bottles and incorporating end-of-life plastic recycling. Thus, the development of sustainable solution account of the effective integration of technological solutions, organizational support and community involvement can help in the effective waste management mechanism in the United Kingdom (Kaimal and Vijayabalan, 2016).
The recycling of plastic is considered as a significant area of research due to the increased need of plastic waste management at the global level. The utilization of mechanical recycling is considered as an effective and sustainable process, in which the plastic can be softened by heating and can be transformed into the modeling granules that are used for the further development of plastic products (Lazarevic et al., 2010).
Moreover, the plastic waste that cannot be further developed can be incarcerated and can act as an alternative source of energy due to the high combustion and energy produced. It can help in addressing the global energy crisis and can be used as an effective resource to provide energy to the households and industries. In this manner, it is also essential that the incarceration of end-of-life plastic is conducted in the close combustion area so that the contact of toxins with the environment is reduced. Similarly, automation is required in this process to ensure that the effect of this process on the wellbeing of the labors and society is reduced (Nakatani et al., 2017).
Recycled plastic can diminish the measure of contaminations in air and water. Furthermore huge numbers of landfill tasks will consume the plastic containers to keep waste that can be discharged harmful toxins and different materials that aggravations into the environment. The plastic tar is valuable to deliver water bottles. Other than it contain perilous chemicals (Bai and Sutanto, 2002). Numerous researchers and governments are cooperating to discover approaches to quit utilizing plastic. In 2002, Ireland forced assessments for utilizing plastic sacks around 0.15 EUR per pack that diminished the use of plastic packs by 90 percent .other than , they pick up 1 million dollar as an income (Guo et al., 2010). Another way accounts for the reutilization of water bottles which made of recycled materials that can keep going for quite a while and be recycled by and by likewise we can utilize glass bottles rather than plastic containers which is reusable.


The extent of plastic use is ever increasing due to its high demand on consumer products and industrial end production. It is difficult to replace plastic with any other compound due to the nature of the hydrocarbons within the plastic, which are difficult to replicate using plant matter. Therefore, plastics remain a non-renewable resource. The inadequate management of plastic has caused toxicity in the air, soil and water, and has become a significant concern in the food chain. Due to its negative effects on environment and labor, China has banned the import of plastic from the United Kingdom. It is therefore vital that the UK invests in its plastic waste infrastructure, and better utilizes techniques such as pyrolysis, as well as increased recycling rates and encouraging producer and consumer responsibility to try and reduce the volume of plastic being produced.



Air pollution is a heterogeneous, complex blend of gases, fluids, and particulate matter. Air pollution can originate from traffic, processing plants, power generation, out of control fires or notwithstanding cooking with a wood stove. Air pollution is progressively perceived as an imperative and modifiable determinant of cardiovascular disease in urban areas. Intense introduction has been connected to a scope of unfavourable cardiovascular events incorporating clinical confirmations with angina, myocardial infarction and ischaemia, heart failures, arrhythmias, stroke and increased cardiovascular mortality(Brook, R 2008). Long-time exposure increases an individual lifetime risk of death from coronary heart diseases and the main arbiter of these adverse health effects seems to be combustion-derived nanoparticles that incorporate reactive organic and transition metal components(Mills NL et al, 2009), inhalation of this particulate matter leads to pulmonary inflammation with secondary systemic effect. Acute short-time effects of air pollution tend to strike people who are elderly or already struggling with heart disease, for instance, someone with atherosclerosis, or build up fatty deposits on the inner lining of the arteries, encounters quick inconveniences when pollutants assume a part in causing plaque in a blood vessels to rupture, triggering a heart attack (Heart.org 2015).
Mills NL et al (2009) also suggested that through the induction of cellular oxidative stress and pro inflammatory pathways, particulate matter augments the development and progression of atherosclerosis via detrimental effects on platelets, vascular tissue, acute and chronic exposure to air pollution. Below is the mechanisms through which combustion-derived  nano particulate matter causes acute and chronic cardiovascular disease suggested by Mills NL et al (2009)

Cardiovascular disease is a huge global problem, causing immense suffering and premature death, as well as placing severe strain on national healthcare budgets and family finances. Air pollution cause more than 3 million deaths worldwide each year and causes 3.1 percent of all cases of disability(Neumann, J 2014) .An expanded comprehension of the mediators and mechanisms of these process is essential in the event that we are to create strategies to ensure people at risk and reduce the impact of air pollution on cardiovascular disease.


Brook, R., 2008. Cardiovascular effects of air pollution. Clinical Science,115, pp.175-187
Heart.org, (2016). Air Pollution and Heart Disease, Stroke. [online] Available at: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/More/MyHeartandStrokeNews/Air-Pollution-and-Heart-Disease-Stroke_UCM_442923_Article.jsp#.Voz8mvmT-Uk [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016].
Mills, N.L., Donaldson, K., Hadoke, P.W., Boon, N.A., MacNee, W., Cassee, F.R., Sandström, T., Blomberg, A. and Newby, D.E., 2009. Adverse cardiovascular effects of air pollution. Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine, 6(1), pp.36-44.
Neumann, J. (2014). Air Pollution A Big Factor In Heart Disease, Experts Warn. [online] The Huffington Post. Available at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/18/air-pollution-heart-disease_n_6348586.html [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]



fig.1                                          source: Integritynigeria.org
Gas flaring is the burning of natural gas that is connected with crude oil when it pumped out of the ground. Gas flaring is the solitary and most common source of global warming and contributes to emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and methane which have the propensity of causing environmental pollution and ecological disturbances or destruction (Ubani, E, and Onyejekwe I 2013). Nigeria, the 11th biggest oil producer on the planet, is invested with a greater number of gas stores than oil. By and by, Nigeria has the shame of being the world's most noteworthy in flaring of the gas related with petroleum creation and aside from being wastage of significant assets, this practice runs in opposition to Nigeria's commitments to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under,inter alias, the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the 1997Kyoto Protocol .( Malumfashi, G, 2007). Figure 2 and 3  below shows Nigeria flared natural gases from year 2001-2011 and Nigeria compared to other flaring countries respectively.                         
                                fig. 2.                                       source: Lokoja.wordpress.com

 Gas flaring have been censured severally in diverse nations of the world, in spite of the fact that the practice is still reachable in a few nations with numerous people requiring a stop. According to Ajugwo, A,(2013) Gas flaring have impoverished the communities where it is practiced, with attendant environmental, economic and health challenges. Hesitance with respect to government and strategy producers is additionally a component, this challenges confronted by neighborhood groups from gas flares are a sufficient justification for ending  gas flaring practice,( Ajugwo, A 2013).
                                 fig. 3
Drilling mud and oil now and again discover their way into the streams, surface waters and arrive consequently making them unfit for utilization nor liveable by man or creature. The monetary and ecological consequences of this abnormal state of gas flaring are serious because of the fact that this procedure is a noteworthy misuse of potential fuel which is at the same time contaminating water, air, and soil in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria.
In places where burning off gas occurs in a relatively concentrated area, such as Niger Delta, the average life expectancy is 43 years, and the infant mortality rate in the delta is the highest in Nigeria -12% of babies die during their first year ( Ben, S 2010). The implication of gas flaring on human health are all related to the exposure of those hazardous air pollutant emitted during incomplete combustion of gas flare. These pollutants are associated with variety of adverse health impacts, including cancer, neurological, reproductive and developmental effects (Ajugwo, A, 2013). Deformities in children, lungs damage and skin problem have also been reported.
Corrosive downpours(Acid rain) have been connected to the exercise of gas flaring. Layered rooftops in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria have been corroded by the composition of rain that falls as a result of flaring. Acid rain ferments lakes and streams and harms vegetation, it also accelerate the decay of building materials and paints and contributes to visibility degradation (Ajugwo A. 2013).
Whatever the purposes behind flaring the gas, the truth remains that it is wastage of important assets greatly required for monetary improvement; that the flaring/venting amid oil creation operations discharge greenhouse gases add to worldwide temperature alternation bringing about environmental change, and this invalidates Nigeria's duties under the UNFCC and Kyoto Protocol; and that it influences the natural quality and soundness of the Niger Delta group, the region of the flares. Henceforth, gas flaring must be wiped out, sooner than later.

Ajugwo, A.O., 2013. Negative Effects of Gas Flaring: The Nigerian Experience. Journal of Environment Pollution and Human Health,1(1),p6-8.
Ben, S.. (2010). Up In The Smoke. Process Focus. 23 (2), p31-32.
Malumfashi, G.I., 2007. Phase-out of gas flaring in Nigeria by 2008. The Prospects of a multi-win project, Petroleum training journal,1(1), p1-5
Ubani, E.C. and Onyejekwe, I.M., 2013. Environmental impact analysis of gas flaring in the Niger delta region of Nigeria. American J. of Scientific and Industrial Research4(2), pp.246-252.



The collapse of a dam in an iron mine few weeks ago in Brazilian state of Minas Gerais is one of the biggest environmental disaster the country have ever experienced. Waste(mud) from the dam is said to contain toxic substances like mercury, arsenic, chromium and manganese exceeding human consumption level. The mud have travelled 500km since the dam collapsed, entering into river and destroying houses. The travelling mud is said to have reached the Atlantic Ocean and this could have a devastating effect on marine life. Heavy metals present in the travelling mud may also pose a serious threat to human health. Although the mining company called Somarco said the mud isn't toxic  but biologist and environmental expert disagree. According to Aderinola et al (2009),this might cause physical and chemical changes to the receiving waters and these change may include increased dissolved nutrients which may result in eutrophication, changes in stream temperature and bottom characteristics which lead to habitat destruction and alternation of species diversity and the addition of toxic substances which can have either acute or chronic effects on aquatic organism. The mud is said to be high in silica and iron which means it will set hard as concrete when it dries up.
According to Mukherjee and Bhupander(2011) marine organism posses a remarkable capacity to turn inorganic mercury to organic compound, thus rendering mercury more easily transferable throughout the aquatic food. So the consumption of fish may constitute an important source of mercury exposure for humans in the area. And it is also established that fish and seafood can accumulate sizeable quantities of organic arsenic from their environment and this can cause cancer of lungs,liver,bladder and skin according to Jaishankar et al. Also according to Jaishankar et al(2014) exposure to higher amount of chromium compounds can lead to inhibition of erythrocyte glutathione reductase, which in turn lowers the capacity to reduce methemoglobin to haemoglobin.
Below is a video showing the severity of the disaster.

                                             Video by ODN.

Failure to control the exposure will result in severe complications in the future because of the adverse effects imposed by heavy metals.


 Aderinola O.J., Clarke E.O., Olarinmoye O.M., Kusemiju V. and Anatekhai M.A.. (2009). Heavy Metals in Surface Water, Sediments, Fish and Perwinklesof Lagos Lagoon. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 5 (5), 609-611.
Jaishankar M., Tseten T., Anbalagan N., Mathew B.B.,and Beeregowda K.N.. (2014). Toxicity, mechanism and health effects of some heavy metals. Interdisciplinary Toxicology . 7 (2), 60-72.
Mukherjee D. P. and Bhupander K.. (2011). Assessment of Arsenic, Cadmium and Mercury Level in Commonly Consumed Coastal Fishes from Bay of Bengal, India . Food Science and Quality Management. 2 (2), 19-27.



The transition from a command economy to a market economy has brought tremendous changes to china .The economy high growth rate is exerting extraordinary pressure on natural     resources,particularly water. Which brought us to water pollution one of the greatest dangers to human health, afterall people can't survive without drinking water and if there freshwater resources are polluted, they can become ill from drinking them. Also fishes, birds and wildlife depends on clean water just as people do. According to Lu et al.(2008) water pollution is another trait of water resources in China, water contamination resulting from large amounts of untreated waste water discharge, has caused ecological deterioration, decling the efficiency of water sources and reducing the quantity of water use. Lu et al. also suggested that with the influx of environmental pollution the percentage of polluted water in urban areas is higher than 90%.
 I was going through my internet and i came across a news on cancer villages in China, these are villages surrounded by chemical plants or coal-fired power plants, villages with soil and water supplies that are contaminated, usually with heavy metals.These are entire village where every houses contains someone dying of cancer or some sort of respiratory problems. Below is a map of the distribution of cancer village and major river in china.

Map by environment international

Below is a table of number of cases of illness associated with the contaminated of water supplies suggested by Wu et al.

According to Lu et al.(2008) the ministry of Water Resources disclosed that the total quantity of waste water discharge across the country in 2006 amounted to 73.1 billion tons of which 2/3 was from industrial sector and 1/3 was from tertiary industry as well as urban domestic sewage. The video below highlights most of the problem faced in some of the providences in the country.

video by Tech Insider.
The critical deficits in basis water supply and sewage treatment infrastructure have increased the risk of exposure to infectious and parasitic disease and to growing volume of industrial chemicals, heavy metals and algal toxins. The degraded condition of much of China's surface water resources, together with the lack of coordination between protection of public health and Management of water quantity pose serious threat to human health.

Lu, W., Xie, S., Zhou, W., Zhang, S. and Liu, A.. (2008). Water Pollution and Health Impact in China: A Mini Review. Open Environmental Sciences journal. 2 (1), p1-5.

Wu, C., Maurer, C,. Wang, Y,. Xue, S,. and Davis, D.. (1999). Water Pollution and Human Health in China. Environmental Health Perspectives . 107 (4), 251-256



      The Niger Delta area in Nigeria is situated in the gulf of Guinea between Longitude 50 E to 80 E and latitude 40 N to 60 N. It is the largest wetland in Africa and the third largest in the world consisting of flat low lying swampy terrain, that is crossed by rivers and creeks.

  It has been observed in recent times that the role the environment plays to a nation's development cannot be relegated to the background. The issue in Niger Delta area of Nigeria where i come from has been a problem for decades now, oil production have contaminated the the land and water in the area but neither the government nor shell corporation has taken effective measures to restore back the eco-system. According to Abudulkareem et al (2011) discharging gases, liquids, and solid waste into the environment threatens the health of the populace and damage the overall quantities of the environment by rending the farmland and water bodies unstable. 
  Also according to Ordinioha and Brisibe (2013) the wild spread constituents of crude oil in the bio-physical environment of the impacted communities are capable of exerting some acute and long-term adverse health effects on the people and animals in this area. The tables below shows some results which was carried out by Ordinioha and Brisibe (2013)
                        Table 1
                         Table 2        
                       Table 3

In any country, this would be a national emergency, but in Nigeria it appears to be a standard operating procedure for the oil industry. The video below highlight how oil spillage in the area have affected the eco-system of the area and how the Nigeria government and Shell corp. neglected the people.

                             video by Amensty International
References ;
Abudulkareem,A.S, Odigure,J.O, Otaru,M.D.O, Kuranga M.B and Afolabi,A.S. (2011). Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. A Predictive Model of Crude Oil Dispersion in Water: A Case Study of the Niger-Delta Area of Nigeria. 33 (22), p2089.
Ordinioha,B and Brisibe, S. (2013). The human health implications of crude oil spills in the Niger delta, Nigeria: An interpretation of published studies. Nigeria Medical Journal. 54 (1), p10-16.